EST JAN 2021
Lockdown. Jan 2021. We weren't allowed to leave the house for months...
I decided to explore soapmaking... Equally crazy!
From Humble Beginnings
They say to become an expert at something it takes 10,000 hours.
I reckon I passed that within 6 months.
All day, every day all I did was SOAP.
I did everything, from researching, experimentation, design, recipes, testing.
Washing. Making. Sweating.
I sold next to nothing.

But Somehow it Grew.
I don't know how. Maybe it was because I documented every step on Instagram & Tiktok and people wanted to support my craziness.
Or maybe I got lucky, and somehow came up with products that were incredible.
Maybe a bit of both.
Committed to our Values
We still make every product the exact same way I used to make it in my kitchen.
We are committed to scaling by hiring & training people.
We manufacture using old school artisan techniques.
We only use natural ingredients.
And that won't change.